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About the Betwixt Podcast

There is a mysterious moment when dusk deepens to night and when dawn lucidly births a new day. It is the threshold between darkness and light, betwixt heaven and earth. Anthropologists call it liminal space – the transitional and transformational doorway between one thing and another.


It can be an uncomfortable place as it is full of ambiguity, yet we need this in-between space in order to make distinctions and to form identity.


Often invisible, it's the margins, the space between letters, the rest between notes, the breath between words. Marked by the holy and the taboo, this is where our hopes, fears, and values are most vibrant.


The Betwixt podcast is devoted to the spaces where faith and culture converge. Conversations with fascinating guests will coax us out of our ideological trenches with betwixting stories from the middle space.

In Partnership with

Resourcing a Church ReImagined
for a World Recreated.
Deb Gregory, Betwixt Podcast Curator

Hello everyone, I'm Deb Gregory. ​ Vocationally, I am a spiritual director, a documentary filmmaker and now a made up thing called a "podcast curator."


The Betwixt Podcast was birthed out of my deep curiosity about the people, places and practices that shape us. For me, this is most interesting at the border of theology and anthropology, where I love to explore the liminal spaces.


But more significantly, this quest is personal. I'm a liminal person sometimes called "Third Cultured." Born in Japan and raised between Asia and the United States, I've spent time crossing the borders of more than 50 countries. 


These travels have taken me to places like war-torn Angola, the brothels of Cambodia, and a prison for drug mules in Ecuador. Along the way, I've encountered the suffering and the goodness of so many people betwixt death and life, darkness and light, ashes and beauty.


These relationships have changed me. I've found that no matter where I am or who I meet, my life story is always being shaped by the lives and stories of others.

I hope that the conversations that you hear in this virtual space will draw you into deeper, enriching, and empathetic face-to-face conversations and will inspire life-changing experiences of your own, no matter where you are on your journey.


The people who have changed me most, in all the best and deepest ways, are my two curious daughters and my rocket scientist husband. We all live together in Columbus, Ohio.


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