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Kathy Khang: Raise Your Voice (Action & Contemplation Part 1)

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“We need both action and contemplation to have a whole spiritual journey. It doesn’t matter which comes first; action may lead you to contemplation and contemplation may lead you to action.”

Fr. Richard Rohr

In the next two episodes, we will talk with two women about how action and contemplation work together for holistic Christian formation.

In today’s episode, activist Kathy Khang talks about action and her latest book Raise your Voice: Why we Stay Silent and How to Speak Up! Kathy and I talk about why our voices matter, the cost of raising our voices, and the dangers of assimilation.

Raising your voice has a different cost for women and for women of color. - Kathy Khang

Kathy Khang is a writer, speaker and yoga instructor who has worked in campus ministry for more than twenty years. She is a coauthor of More Than Serving Tea: Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith. and the author of a new book: Raise Your Voice, which we talk about in this episode.

Stay tuned for Part 2 when we speak with Phileena Heuretz about contemplation and her new book: Mindful Silence: The heart of Christian Contemplation.

"We need both action and contemplation to have a whole spiritual journey. It doesn’t matter which comes first; action may lead you to contemplation and contemplation may lead you to action.” Fr. Richard Rohr

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