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Current Podcast

On Becoming What We Can't Yet Imagine: An Hermeneutic of Liminality with Timothy Carson

My guest is Timothy Carson, curator of the Liminality Project. After retiring from full time pastoral ministry, Tim began to teach and write about liminality.

He is the author of Liminal Reality and Transformational Power and editor of the anthology Neither Here nor There: The Many Voices of Liminality. And he’s working on a new collaborative book on practical theology and the development of a Biblical Hermeneutic of Liminality.

Tim also ministers as a field guide, helping others transition through life’s passages. As an Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, he works with individuals who have experienced past trauma.

In this episode, Tim casts a vision toward a Biblical hermeneutic of liminality and what insight it might provide for us as we walk through this time of social liminality.

"It would be a grand thing if people of faith would stop asking “When we can get back to church?”

What if God doesn’t want us to go back to structure?

What if God doesn’t want us to go back to the way we were before?

What might we become because of this?"

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Detailed texture from Bruce Herman's Painting Planetary Nimbus V
  • Visit the Liminality Project website

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Thanks to these musicians for making their work available for use:

Ryvoli: Roots

Jon Luc Hefferman: Discovery, Curious

Kai Engel: The Adumbration, Soli, Periculum, Morbid Imagination, Bells In Heaven, Endless Story about Sun and Moon, Morning Placidity, Aspirato, Modum


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